We warmly welcome you to our Dragon Touch blog!
Why a blog? Our world is online today. We see this as an opportunity for rapid and transparent communication, and we believe that blogs are a unique way to share our knowledge, experience, and dialogue. Blog posts are an ideal format for discussion, analysis, and sharing of topics. We have many things we want to share with you, and we also look forward to you sharing your knowledge with us.
What New for you?
You will get to know Dragon Touch products and services, and learn from our experience within research, support, product development, quality assurance, and much more. There will also be articles on product reviews, tutorials, recommendations, and news. We hope that the knowledge shared here will educate our readers.
How's This Different?
The Blog column is meant to be a static collection of articles about our products, services, tutorials, recommendations, and news. It will be updated from time to time as events or customer policies change and when we make major changes as a company. It is largely meant to withstand the test of time.
Also, the blog should be viewed more as a snapshot of the current events. Each post is dated, so the information it contains may be relevant for an hour, a week, or a year. Plus, we just love the idea of having another avenue to include more tips, stories, videos, and explanations.
We will always email you important and urgent information, as well as any changes in regulations or expectations, so keep an eye out for those! Newly registered users will also receive a 10% discount on the first order.
Finally, we will see where it goes, and this part is exciting. Maybe this will evolve to include recommendations from users of our products; maybe we will do a "meet the team" part. No matter what happens, we are glad that you are here.
You can login here to know more about our products and services.
- 30/06/2021
- 30/06/2021
- 18/06/2021
- 18/06/2021
- 11/06/2021
- 23/09/2020
- 23/09/2020
- 21/09/2020
- 03/09/2020
- 10/09/2020