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Top Email Picture Frame - Digital Picture Frame with Email
2021-05-20 10:25:45

An email picture frame is a digital photo frame with a unique email address that you can send pictures to. With an email picture frame, it becomes so easy to share pictures with families, especially your aging grandparents who are not comfortable with using a smartphone. 

Imagine that you are living in New York and whenever you have a wonderful moment to share with your parents in Seattle, you just have to email the pictures and the photos will magically appear on the picture frame at your parents. Or you are traveling and the photos you took on the trip can be seamlessly emailed to the picture frame at home. How nice!

The post will introduce 5 digital picture frames with an email address that you can email pictures to. They can be a thoughtful gift as well as a great decoration at your home. 

Dragon Touch Classic 10 - $109.99

Dragon Touch Email Photo Frame

This 10-inch digital picture frame features a classic design with 2 color variants: brown and white. With 16GB internal memory space, the picture frame can hold up to 40,000 photos. And its Auto-rotate feature allows you to display photos in either portrait or landscape orientation.

The email picture frame has a unique email address to receive photos from your registered email account. Besides receiving photos with an email address, there is a compatible app that you can install on your phone to send photos or you may import photos to the Dragon Touch picture frame via USB drive/SD card. 

How to email pictures to Dragon Touch Classic 10

- Register your email address: send an email with the subject "bd+Frame ID" to the email address of the picture frame from the email address that you want to register.

- Accept the request: There will be a notification of the email on Dragon Touch Classic 10. Open it and accept the request. 

- Email pictures to the picture frame: Now you can email pictures from the registered email address to the Dragon Touch picture frame like you do with any regular email.

Dragon Touch also offers email picture frame in 8 inches, 15 inches

Skylight 10-inch Email Photo Frame - $159

Skylight Email Photo Frame

Skylight is another 10-inch touch screen picture frame that you can email pictures to. It is easy to set up: just power on the picture frame, connect it to Wi-Fi and create an email address. Then you can begin to email your pictures to the picture frame. 

And to add more fun, there is a Heart button beside a picture that the recipient can tap to like the picture and the picture frame will let the sender know via an email notification.

Pix-Star Digital Picture Frame with Email Address - $154.99

Pix-Star Digital Photo Frame with Email

Like the Dragon Touch and Skylight picture frame, Pix-Star also allows you to create a unique email address for the picture frame so that families can send photos from anywhere. And the email picture frame also provides an online account that you can log in on a computer and manage all picture frames linked with the account. For example, you can add, delete or customize the picture frame at your grandma’s just from your own computer. 

The Pix-Star digital picture frame can also display photos from online storage, such as Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, OneDrive. 

The email picture frame is available in 10 inches, 10.4 inches, and 15 inches. 

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